We've settled into our apartment pretty completely now. Our stuff from the states came a couple of weeks ago, it's all unpacked and shoved into corners and shelves, and I think we've been living here about a month. So I guess it's about time to post some pictures of the place!Our building is very new. We are the first to live in our apartment and we don't have many "neighbors". On the first floor there is a front desk where at least one guard works, but more often there are four or five people - guards, doormen, and a lifeguard milling around with nothing to do except say good morning to us, open the door, hand us an umbrella if it's raining. They are all very polite and friendly but it's a little strange to have so many people ready to take care of our every need. The pool and gym are also on this floor - I don't have any pictures but they are both outstanding and rarely used. There is also a large living area with a t.v. and kitchen where tenants can meet with friends.
This is our living area. It's small but has a decent couch and a good t.v. The views from the 17th floor are beyond imagination. We hover over the city. Straight out our window is the world's tallest building, towering over everything. Taipei 101 and the much smaller skyscrapers around it light up every night from 7:00PM until 9:00PM and put on light shows. The color of the tower changes every night.
This is the other half of the room beside the living area. It's our kitchen, dining room, and to the right, our shoe storage. The munchkin sized refrigerator wasn't in the apartment the day we looked at the place. They told us they were going to buy one. It showed up the day we moved in. I think I might have axed this place had I seen it. Cooking is very difficult here, but I'm starting to get used to it. My old kitchen feels like such a luxury now. I wish I would have appreciated it more when I had it.
This bed looks comfortable but looks are very deceiving. Our first night in this tiny double was hell for both of us, feet hanging off the end, hard springs sticking into our backs, scratchy sheets. The very first shopping trip we made was to get a mattress pad and new bedding. Now things are much better. This room is also really small, but has built in closets where most of our clothes fit. There's a t.v. in here too.
My writing room is small too but just right for its purpose. I sit here in the morning, do my writing with my tea, and watch people in the park below. It's a good view for inspiration.
Finally, the bathroom. I know it's a little messy. We still haven't found any good shelving to organize our stuff. At least we have plenty of counter space.
The bath and shower are both fantastic. The bath has jets and the shower is plenty high enough.
Overall, even though the apartment is small compared to our home in Arizona, it is beautiful and peaceful and has outstanding views. I know we are really lucky to have such a great place, and that there are many people living in much more cramped spaces here. I'm glad we chose our Fortress of Solitude. So far it's keeping us sane :)